The Bacco Family

Theres Franco, 33, works for NWA and loves to play xbox. Stephanie, 31, stay at home mommy and loves to shop. Vinnie is 4 (almost) and loves to play xbox as much as his daddy. Nessa is almost 2 and loves to aggravate her brother. We love to travel and go to the park.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wow, I cannot believe that my little boy is turning 4. Four years ago today he was in my tummy. Warm and cozy. Now he's sitting next to me on the couch screaming at zombies and yelling for Francis to help him up!! (hidden xbox joke) He amazes me all the time with the knowledge he acquires. He was signing "I spy with my little blue eye" at the breakfast table. He can sing the alphabet song all the way, minus k and making lmno one letter. haha just like most kids. I gave him a mohawk the other day and he HATED it, telling me it was bad. Mohawks are bad, mama. He's so different from Nessa, who at random times brings me combs and hairspray to do her hair. He took his time learning to talk, or rather talking out loud in front of others. Nessa has too.

I'm not exactly sure what this post is about, but I am so thankful for each day that I have shared with these two amazing little people. Everyday has been blessed and I couldn't imagine my life without them. Not for a single moment. They are more than just my world, they are my everything. I love every part of being a mom, every part. Even the runny noses, dirty diapers, missing bobbis (pacifiers) and hurling projectile throw up at 3 in the morning. I never knew I was made for this, and I thank God that he let me be about of their lives. Let me be their mommy. Its more than I ever thought possible. Not with me, not with my childhood and the way I was raised. I never thought I wanted kids. How crazy was it when I asked Franco if we could have another a year after Vinnie was born. CRAZY! But he was such an amazing baby and I wanted a little girl, a beautiful girl who would look like her father, with long brown curly hair. And again, I got so much more than I imagined. SO much more. I laugh through my tears at her right now standing on my kitchen table dancing her tamberine, smiling with her crooked gap teeth. She is way more than I ever could have imagined my little girl. I am more than Blessed.

I only have them little for so long, and I plan on enjoying everyday of it!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mini-Vacay in SF

Well, we got up early saturday morning and drove to the airport. Autumn, Vinnie, Nessa and Me boarded a plane to SFO! Whoo Hoo! To those of you that dont know, I was born in Bakersfield, my mother was born in San Francisco, but I had never been there. So, it was a little goal of mine. I actually had other ideas of going there, arm and arm with my beloved, watching the sun go down by the golden gate bridge. Instead, I met my dad and he gave us a quick tour. We paid 6 bucks to go over the bridge, take some pics and then head to Pier 39 to meet my brother, his wife Christi and their 3 year old son Carson. He's super cute. Poor little guy had a double ear infection (we found out the next day). We ate good chowder and went on the carousel. Carson went on the kiddie bungie jumper. After awhile we separated and dad drove us around the city. He took us to a park he used to do riot work at, the Golden Gate park, where hippies did love sit ins. Way back in the 60's!! LOL love ya dad! We cruised the Castro district, laughing at the funny signs and goofy looking people. We left going over the double decker Bay Bridge.

The next day, in Patterson where my brother lives, we went out to the Frank Raines Park, with their death trap park equipment, or huge slide and 3 swings to be more precise. Vinnie and Carson loved webbing the place up, and Nessa wanted to learn how to swing by herself soooo bad! LOL

Monday, January 05, 2009

I like this video

I guess I should update it too, let everyone know Franco is 33 now ;)

a long, long time...

Oh My Goodness, I have not logged on this blog in almost 3 years. Sonias blog had me sign in to an account to leave her a comment and it was this one. I started this page before I was pregnant with Nessa! I guess with myspace being so huge I didnt need to blog here.

But, with the start of the new year, I will try to blog at least once a month. Post monthly pics of the kids and fill you all in on the coming and growings of the bacco family! :)

Yeah for 2009! A year to grow...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Just getting started

Wow, I feel very cool! lol...I've never had a blog before. Now when you google a topic, something from this very blog, just might come up!! I wanted to have a place for people to go and see pics of Vinnie and our family. Find out news, or keep in touch. So, I hope you visit it occasionally. Especially on those days when you need a "pick me up" because that face and smile with those teeth. Its just the right medicine!!